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Official Name:

Hugh Hildreth Skilling Building



Location Tip:

Skilling is located at 494 Lomita Mall.  It is between Durand and McCullough.


The Skilling Building houses classrooms on the upper level and an auditorium on the lower level.

Accessible Entrance:

The Skilling classrooms located on the upper level are accessible via the wheelchair ramp near Durand.  The main entrance of the Skilling Auditorium (lower level) is wheelchair accessible.  Wheelchair seating is located in the front and rear of the auditorium. There is no elevator providing interior access between the upper and lower levels of the building.


Wheelchair accessible men¿s and women¿s multi-occupancy restrooms are located on the lower level on either side of the auditorium.  There are no all-gender restrooms in this facility.

Parking & Transportation:

There are no parking structures or Marguerite shuttle stops in close vicinity due to the concentration of buildings in this area. The closest Marguerite shuttle stop is located at the intersection of Panama Mall and Samuel Morris Way.  The nearest disabled parking space is located near Memorial Church (gate access required), or on Santa Teresa Street or Via Pueblo.  Contact the Diversity & Access Office at (650) 725-0326 for details.

Points of Interest:

Enjoy the outdoor space at the newly constructed Terman  Fountain directly across from Durand.Updated: 12/2018

For disability access information about any building not listed in the Campus Access Guide, please contact the Diversity and Access Office, (650) 725-0326, We welcome your feedback about the Mobility Guide and requests for further information.