Academic Programs:
Chemical & Systems Biology
  Phone: (650) 723-6834
  Phone: (650) 721-7190
Photo of 07-590. If a photo is not shown, please contact Maps and Records at to submit a photo.

Official Name:

John and Regina Scully Center for Clinical Sciences Research



Location Tip:

The Center for Clinical Sciences Research (CCSR) building is located at 269 Campus Drive. It is located to the north of the Lokey Stem Cell Research (SIM1) building and to the west of the Beckman Center.


CCSR houses nearly 500 lab benches, 12 seminar rooms, six conference rooms, and two 50-participant auditoriums. These spaces provide an opportunity for collaborative efforts and promote translational research by locating basic science and clinical research laboratories in close proximity.

Accessible Entrance:

The main entrance to CCSR is located via a ramp located at the northeast corner of the building. Once at the top of the ramp, an outdoor café is immediately ahead and the elevator is down the exterior pathway to the right. There are exterior entrances to the 1st floor of CCSR on either side of the elevator. The elevator provides access to all floors of CCSR (B, 1, 2, 3, 4). Once off the elevator, exterior accessible entrances are located on either side of the elevator.


Wheelchair accessible men's and women's restrooms are centrally located on each floor.

Parking & Transportation:

The nearest disabled parking is located in a small parking lot to the southeast of the building (L-15) near the Beckman Center. Additional disabled parking is located to the west of the building in L-16, L-18, and Parking Structure 5. The closest Marguerite shuttle stop is located on Campus Drive or on either side of the Medical Center.

Points of Interest:

While in the area, visit the SIM1 building that houses the Dale Chihuly Chandelier, Tre Stelle di Lapislazzuli. In addition there are several cafes located throughout the School of Medicine area. For more details, please visit

For disability access information about any building not listed in the Campus Access Guide, please contact the Diversity and Access Office, (650) 725-0326, We welcome your feedback about the Mobility Guide and requests for further information.