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Location Tip:

The Humanities Center is located at 424 Santa Teresa Street. It is behind the Faculty Club and across the street from the Fire Truck House.


The Stanford Humanities Center is devoted to research and programming in the area of human history and culture. The Center provides workshops, fellowships, and lectures with the purpose of assisting scholars (from undergraduates and graduate students to professors) as they seek to better understand the humanities. Office space is located on the 1st and 2nd floors and conference rooms and meeting rooms are located on the 1st floor.

Accessible Entrance:

The main entranceis located on the north side of the building, along Santa Teresa Street, and is equipped with a power-operated door. There is another accessible entrance on the south side of the building (Faculty Club side) and on the west side of the building (near the Black Community Services Center). There is no elevator in the building.


Wheelchair accessible men's and women's restrooms are located off of the main lobby. After entering the main lobby, turn left down the first hallway and the restrooms will be on the left.

Parking & Transportation:

The closest disabled parking is located in the L-37 parking lot at the corner of Lomita Drive and Santa Teresa Street near the west side of the Humanities Center. The closest Marguerite shuttle stop is located at the corner of Lomita Drive and Santa Teresa Street.

Points of Interest:

The Papua New Guinea Sculpture Garden is located near the Humanities Center. Tresidder Union is also located near the Humanities Center and is home to several eateries.

For disability access information about any building not listed in the Campus Access Guide, please contact the Diversity and Access Office, (650) 725-0326, We welcome your feedback about the Mobility Guide and requests for further information.