Building 540, also known as the Blume
Earthquake Center (Civil Engineering Building), is located at 439 Panama
Mall. It is adjacent to the Peterson
Laboratory (Bldg 550) and behind Building 530.
Building 540 is occupied by the Civil
Engineering and Mechanical Engineering departments. Departmental offices are located on the 1R
level and classrooms are located on the 1level.
The civil engineering library is located on the 1R level.
Accessible Entrance:
All of the entrances to Building 540 are accessible. The main entrance, located along Panama Mall,
is equipped with a power-operated door.
Once inside the entrance, there are two classrooms located to the left
and the elevator is located to the right.
The elevator provides access to all levels (2R, 1, 1R, and B). Another
accessible entrance is located on the north side of the building across from
Building 530, and a third accessible entrance is located on the east side of
the building (along Duena Street). If entering from
the east side of the building (Duena Street), the
elevators are straight down the hall on the right side. Entrances at the north and east side of the
building are located at the 1R level and the entrance at Panama Mall is located
on the 1level.
Accessible men¿s and women¿s multi-occupancy
restrooms are located on the 1R level.
Accessible single-occupancy, all-gender restrooms are located on the 2R
Parking & Transportation:
The nearest disabled parking is located in
a small parking lot between the Daily building and Old Union. Additional disabled parking is located on
Santa Teresa Street. The closest Marguerite
stop is located at Santa Teresa Street and Lomita Drive or behind Tresidder on Lagunita Drive.
Points of Interest:
Building 540 is located within close proximity
of Old Union, Tresidder Union, and the Main
Quad. There are a variety of eateries at each of these locations. 3/2018
For disability access information about any building not listed in the Campus Access Guide, please contact the Diversity and Access Office, (650) 725-0326, We welcome your feedback about the Mobility Guide and requests for further information.